Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to treat acne and oily skin and tratamento hormonal contra a acne

The dermatologist charged with the treatment of pimple will also be able to assist in treatment to reduce the likelihood of scarring. In prescribing acne medicine by the dermatologist, most acne cases will show evidence of improvement. The dermatologist can also refer the acne sufferer to a cosmetic surgeon in order to further improve the appearance by removing acne scars. In recent years, the focus of the dermatologist has increasingly been to not only treat the symptoms, but to work at eliminating or reducing the disfiguring scars related to acne.
If you notice a dryness of the skin, using a moisturizer should help. In fact, it could also help your blemishes since we should know that acne is worsened by dryness of the skin. You say a skin is healthy when it is clean and well moisturized. You can try to use moisturizer to help the problem with the dry skin. This could help your blemishes as well since many times acne is fueled by dry skin problems. A healthy skin is one that is well moisturized and clean. I do hope we are not getting set to wash the hell ( or acne ) out of our faces and then nourish it with lots of oil because of the last statement about a healthy skin? When we say clean, we do not mean washing the face several times a day. This will in fact worsen the situation as the skin would get irritated. Washing the face twice a day is quite enough. You clean your face to remove any oil, dirt, and pollutants from the air or make up because if you do not, the remains could result in bacteria seeping into your pores. Unfortunately, there are almost always bacteria in your pores. Whatever acne product we use tries to get rid of them and whenever that is achieved, you end up with a pimple free face.
You can also take an apple and cut it up then rub it over the acne. It will get rid of it. Then of course eating green apples also helps with the prevention of acne. Of course, water is essential for nice healthy skin, so drink plenty of it.
tags: cystic acne symptoms, pimples, home skin care for acne

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