Thursday, July 3, 2008

How do i get rid of acne craters in face and zinc for chin acne

Acne is a universal skin disorder. Nearly all of us have the possibility to get acne. Blackhead is a kind of acne, and a lot of people have been trying to get rid of it so that they look better. Sometimes, the only sensible way to deal with blackheads is by popping and removing them from the skin. Although this method is frequently used, I do not see why it is an effective way to get rid of blackheads in the long run. To remove any kinds of acne including blackheads, you have to tackle the main factors of acne.
Many people suffer with scars from acne. Most often people do not realize that there are things they can do to remove them. Below is a list of the top 5 secrets to removing acne scars.
One of my favorite forms of acne elimination is the use of sea salt and vinegar. These two very common household products can be mixed together and the liquid applied to the affected area with a cotton ball. Simply allow the mixture to dry on that area for 20 minutes or longer, depending on how well you do with the smell of the vinegar. Wash your face with clear, cold water and repeat about three times a day.
tags: how to treat acne from pregnancy, acne free clear skin treatments pockmark filler, acne from food allergies

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